In this I will be covering everything you need to know about growing Radish at home. They are Fast growing plants. They are cool weather crop.
Pot and potting mix:
Take a container of about 10 -15 inch deep and 20 inch diameter.
Take a potting mix consisting of 50% garden soil and 50% organic compost.
Mix them well and add to the container. Make sure the container has drainage holes.
They grow in loose soil. So make a bump and drop the seeds.
Do not over crowd the pot.
If you have larger pot, plant them in the row.
Sprinkle the water on the soil.
Keep the soil moist for first week.
After that reduce the amount of water.
Only water 2-3 days once. If it rains, water them weekly.
After 5 days the seeds will start to produce leaves.
Within 2 weeks, they grow about 2-4 inches.
Add organic pesticides to avoid pest.
After one month, they are ready to harvest.
If you leave them in the soil for larger time, they will over ripen and get open.
Early harvest at fourth week will be good, because mature ones are harder to chew but these are tastier and crunchy
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