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  • Writer's pictureKishan Sudarsan

How to grow CHILLIES at home | ksplanting

Here you can get some ideas on growing chillies at home from chillies. In this blog you will see all the stages in growing chillies from seed to harvest.


  • Take fresh chillies which contain mature seeds.

  • Cut open the chillies and take out the seeds from them. Mature seeds show better germination.

Seed to plant:

  • Take a small pot with drainage holes at the bottom.

  • Cover the holes with gravel stones and fill it with the potting mix.

  • For chillies, potting mix contains 60% of organic compost and 40% of fine garden sand.

  • This mixture will get 90-95% germination rate.

  • Moisten the mix before you sow the seeds.

  • Sprinkle the seeds on the potting mix to avoid getting overlapped.

  • Cover them with thin layer of soil. Do not burry them deeply.

  • Water thoroughly and keep the pot in partial shade or under green net or in indirect sunlight.

  • Seeds will germinate after 9-12 days. Water them gently but do not over water.


  • When seedlings have 3-4 true leaves (after 25 days), transplant them to separate container.

  • Always try to transplant at early morning to avoid transplant shock.

  • Plant multiple seedlings in the big container for better pollination.

  • Dig small holes, slightly larger than the root ball of seedling with your hand.

  • Place the seedling and firm the soil around the root ball.

  • Keep 6-7 inch gap between two plants for pot. After planting water it immediately.

  • For 2-3 days keep them in indirect sunlight and water only when the top soil feels dry to touch.

  • Just pinch the top growth to force the plant to produce many side stems. It will produce more chillies.

  • After 20 days each plant will have more than 10 side stems.


  • Chillies are heat loving plants and grows well in the areas that receive plenty of sunlight.

  • 5-6 hours of sunlight daily is essential for better growth.


  • Add compost to the chillies for every 15 days.

  • After 28 days, chillies can be pollinated, gently shake the flowers or tingle them for pollination.

  • Remove any unwanted plant from the container as they tend to steel space and essential nutrients from the soil.


  • After 42 days, you can start to see flowers. And after 55 days, chillies are produced.

  • Chillies will change color as the mature. Both ripen and unripen chillies can be harvested as per your need.

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