Here you can get info on how to grow carrots at home. I have shared all the information about growing carrot from carrot tops and seeds. It is pretty easy to grow carrots. they can be grown anywhere at any time.
Container & potting mix:
Grow carrots in a long container.
They can be grown in the any mixture of soil. Hence optimum ratio can be used.
Take 60% of garden soil & 40% of compost and mix well.
Make sure that containers have holes for drainage.
Sowing & watering:
sow the seeds in the soil and fill them with 1 inch soil above.
If you grow using carrot top, then place them in a bowl of water for a day
Those carrot tops will start to sprout. Then Place them in soil and cover it.
Add water to soil when it is dry. Keep it moist
Do not let it go wet.
Position & support:
Place them in the place where it can receive more sunlight.
Carrot flies are serious problems. They can be avoided by using home made pesticides made of neem oil and garlic.
Remove the weeds to ensure better growth.
After one month, the flowers will bloom. They dry out and produce seeds.
Collect them and use for future use.
After 2 months, it is ready to harvest.
There are many varieties of carrot. All varieties can be grown in this way.
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